ผมได้รับข่าวดีจากบริษัท Fisher ว่าเครื่องของผมใกล้เสร็จแล้ว กำลังอยู่ในห้องทดลองว่าจะทนแรงกดดันของน้ำได้มากน้อยแค่ไหน นี่เป็นจดหมายอีกฉบับที่แผนกซ่อมส่งมาให้
I got another good news from Fisher via Keith that my detector is nearly finished. I've been waiting for it nearly four weeks. My dream comes true. This is the message he wrote to Keith.
I do apologize for the delay, but I had only received one email
yesterday on this matter. I was unable to respond due to email issues.
Unfortunately, my email was down for most of the day, and by the time it
was back up, I had no one to get an answer from as to the status on this
unit. Tina has just informed me that the unit is sitting for a water
test. It should be tested today, and by this afternoon we will have an
answer as to whether or not the unit passes the test. Please keep in
mind that parts for these units are now obsolete or limited, and we are
in the process of production of the new CZ21 which we are still awaiting
parts for. Once I have a better status, you WILL be notified.
Thank you
Fisher Labs Customer Service